Nursing Continue Education

Nursing Educator Self Study Terminology for Nursing Educator Class Final Part 2

Which strategy would be best for a class with 60% of learners reporting the preferred learning style as visual?  — Divide the class into groups and have each create a concept map linking concepts from the reading – Linking the concepts together would allow the learner to visualize the connections. Fleming’s model suggests ways in which people like information to come to them and the ways in which they like to deliver their communication: VARK (Visual, Auditory, Read/write, and Kinesthetic)

Visual learning: underline, use different colors, use symbols, charts, arrangements on a page – Recall visual aspects of presentation, reconstruct images in different ways, redraw pages from memory, replace words with symbols and initials – Recall the pictures on the pages, draw, use diagrams where appropriate, practice turning visuals back into words.

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