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Origins and a Bit of History of Hospice- Notable Influences on Hospice Development and Acceptance

Concept antedates 475 AD (早于公元475年)

  • The term hospes, a Latin word, from which the term hospice is derived, means to be both host and guest and implies interaction and mutual caring between the patient, family, and hospice staff. (Hospes 一詞是一個拉丁詞,安寧療護一詞由此而來,意味著患者,家人和安寧療護員工之間的互動和相互關懷。)
  • Self-sustained communities evolved after 335 AD where ill, weary, homeless, and dying persons received care. 在公元335年后, 发展起来,病人,疲惫,无家可归和垂死的人得到照顾.
  • During the early middle ages, the words hospice, hospital, and hostel were used interchangeably. 在中世纪早期,临终关怀,医院和旅馆这些词可以互换使用。
  • Also during the middle ages, hospitia or travelers’ rest at monasteries and convents provided food, shelter, as well as care for those sick or dying. 同样在中世纪,修道院和修道院的收容所或旅行者休息提供食物,住所以及照顾生病或垂死的人。
  • The care and support of the whole person (the body, soul, mind, and spirit) evolved in these early hospices. 對整個人(身體、靈魂、思想和精神)的關懷和支持,在這些早期的安寧療護中演化而來。
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