Nursing Informatics

Usability Tests (Reading & Sharing Cont.)

  • Heuristic Evaluation or Heuristic Inspection Methods
    • the most popular of what are called “discount usability evaluation”
      • because they are typically easy to do, involve fewer than 10 experts, and are much less expensive than other methods.
    • the objective is to detect problems early in the design process, when they can be most easily and economically corrected.
    • they are called “heuristic” because evaluators assess the degree to which the design complies with recognized usability rules of thumb or principles, such as those proposed by Nielsen (1994) (retrieved from
      1. visibility of system status
      2. match between system and the real world
      3. user control and freedom
      4. consistency and standards
      5. error prevention
      6. recognition rather than recall
      7. flexibility and efficiency of use
      8. asthetic and minimalist design
      9. help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
      10. help and documentation

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