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The Hare and the Tortoise – AESOP’S FABLES (slow and steady wins the race)


“I call on any beast to run

Against me in a race!” –

So spoke the hare. “I’ve always won

A comfortable first place!”


“I take the challenge! Let me start!”

The Tortoise made reply.

“What!” scoffed the hare, “Your legs can dart

As well as you can fly!”


Still, they set out. The hare, to slow

How scornful his intent,

Lay down to sleep: while, firm and slow,

Forward the tortoise went,


And reached the goal. The hare awoke

Wide-eyed, aghast to see

That rival whom he thought a joke

Had won the victory.


For not alone your strength of limb

But how you seek and strive

Tells where you go, if fleet or slow,

And whether you arrive.

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